I've written numerous corporate videos, but none more fun than the time I got to destroy the office of the vice president of Apple after creating the alien puppet Megabyte and abducting Apple HQ into space. Fortunately the VP took it all in stride.

After all that mayhem my next film for
Apple involved calling in the law,
conveniently played by yours truly.

Then it was off to Puerto Rico to film a huge off-site event for Netmanage.
How do you get a CEO across a jungle river? Very carefully.

For IBM I created a puppet world featuring Professor Percival C. Farnsworth in
CLEAR AS MUD. Unlike my first Apple film, IBM headquarters was not abducted
into space. However, the auditorium in which Professor Farnsworth was delivering
his lecture did blow up. Okay. Okay. There is a trend here.
Other corporate clients have included Levi-Strauss, Sega, Wells Fargo, and UCSF.
None of their offices were abducted or blown up. Well, okay, there was that one
little fire on the set at UCSF, but it was an accident. I swear.
All right. There was also the time I was shooting a puppet video for the Mill Valley Fire Department to teach kids how to escape a burning building and
we accidently started a fire in the kitchen of the fire station. I mean, it wasn't
like there weren't a lot firemen around to deal with it or anything.
Perhaps I should go call a lawyer.